So in honor of my son’s birthday.. Here are some reboots from my blog to celebrate the day. Things that make me smile always. But I might be totally biased and I put in some of the stories that went with at the time.
PS If you make it all the way through these pics.. you are probably, Mom, Dad, Nanna, Grandma, Papa or Grandpa or Boppa.
Yes that is my son conducting in the picture above. He practiced over and over the song because he wanted to be the kid that got the mic part. However, he didn’t make the cut I guess so. He decided if he wasn’t gonna be the guy then he was gonna conduct him. hahah. too cute. And as you can tell He is very SERIOUS about his conducting. haha.
And the practicing in our house included the bathroom. I would ask him what he was doing and he was sitting on the floor belting out the words at the top of his lungs on the floor of the bathrom. “What are you doing hon?”” I am singing MOM. It sounds good in here” My son has joined the ranks who sing in the bathroom for the acoustics. IT IS awesome.

My kiddo receiving his buckle from the guysMy big guy with all the big guys and gals who won.
His buddy Eddie
Look Mom!
A congratulatory hug from a friend
Watching the trains at the fair (He wants to go back and see them again)

This lady in this picture owns the arena below. My son told me last time we bought hay from her he was gonna marry her because she had lots of hay for his two horses. ha. Practicality is good, but I am not sure I would ask him to marry so we could get good hay at this early of an age. hahaha.

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