It’s the beginning our Heart Hop. After you read through my post that I hope provides you with some inspiration for your Valentine Cards, at the bottom you will see links to the other “More Team” designers who are participating! Enjoy!
First up… Here is some inspiration I found in the gallery.
This card below was created by Sandra from NC and posted in our gallery. The reason this card stands out to me is it is a file from a sketch challenge in the forum. Hidden within our forum is a group of sketch challenges. Monthly Ileana has been offering a new Sketch for you to create. If you were to use each of these sketches you would have 12 done for this year. But also there are an archive of Sketch Challenges which come with files and ideas and lots of projects from our forum members.
Thank you Sandra for showing this inspiration from a sketch challenge!
Next up … If you have a teacher in your life, a friend, a co-worker just someone who deserves a treat. This narrow bag would be perfect for a small gift of treats or cards. you can find this file HERE. Until Feb 11th Use this code when ordering CDHEARTHOP2013 to get an additional 30% off.
And then a freebie… This is my download for today. It is a printable Valentine. My son is in elementary school and I used to buy Valentine’s. Last year I started printing my own. The amount in the box is never just right. The box choices are not so cute and my kiddo is just not happy with him. So I offer to you a Froggie Valentine to print and make your own. I hope you can use it. If you are not in an elementary school or the parent of a school child, make someone’s day and print out the cards and send on to someone who may need a smile. It takes minimal effort and you will warm someone’s Heart. You will find the download link below.
Here are the rest of the ladies participating in the Heart Hop stop by their blogs..
And Lori is having a sale as well.
VDBC & the “More” Team
Are coming together for some heartfelt inspiration…
Join us February 7th through the 9th
For our Heart Hop!
Participating Blogs:
I Scrap Designs
Chris Durnan
Shelly’s Art
Don’t forget to stop by the forum for our
Things I need to say about freebies.
This file can be downloaded HERE.
When you enter the password it says I agree TOU. it means that you agree to my terms of use that this is a personal use. In order for me to keep creating freebies. Please send folks here to my blog. Another good place to find me is on my facebook page for quick updates.
Answers to Questions..
Folks ask my why am I loading to the forum and why the password. Well my other option is a site perhaps like 4shared etc. So you would follow the same steps only instead you go to the forum on the VDBC site and download. I am trying to centralize my work and time on the net so I can create create create. (I am having success with this goal as I have been creating like crazy.) So once you have registered at the forum you can continue to download the freebies by using the passwords. They change once a month rather then every time. So sometimes the forum may not even ask you for a password if you already entered it that month. 🙂 And that is the blah blah blah of today’s post.
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Melody did a fabulous job on the invite. Love the eyelet style doily scallop circle just makes it so girly. Thanks for the vote confidence too for tomorrow
These projects are fabulous!!!! Thanks for the freebie!!!
Thank you for the cute freebie!