Here is Friday Giggle.
My Dad sent me this picture after I sent him photos of my chickens. He said look he got one to.
I replied with. “Yeah!! I have a Barr Rock Also. Maybe you’ll get plastic easter eggs!”
Ha! There was no response. Maybe I am not as funny as I think I am .
Love that my Dad sends photos all the time on his phone.
If you think it was cute, or funny.. please comment, like something. I am losing my audience here. Maybe Friday Giggle is not a good idea and more of a groan idea. hmmm.. maybe. But I will keep trying. Cause I love to giggle. I better go tickle that kid of mine for some instant giggles. Yeah!Love My Life.
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I love the ‘plastic eggs’ comment! I don’t comment but I always!!! read!
Don’t stop!
This is a good one. Plastic easter eggs.