This weeks Card a Day blog topic has been friendship. I have found some awesome friends through my creativity at VDBC. so I tend to peruse that gallery like crazy to see what everyone is doing.
This card just popped out. Thank you Caz for posting such a beautiful and friendship filled card.
Very nice indeed.
Don’t forget to come back the rest of the month for some Summer Fun Ideas. We have already started with some.
So today’s Summer Fun Idea. Find one friend. Create something and mail them a card. This is great for kids to be creative and also to address an envelope and mail it. I wonder how long the post office will be running sometimes with the world of text and email. I definitely love to get mail myself. So I hope you take the time to help a child, grandchild crafting something to drop in the mail.
Don’t forget to get a picture first and post it somewhere I will see! And so I can show my son who has helped me come up with some of these ideas.
Thank you again Caz for the awesome inspiration!
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Awwwww! Thanks Chris, my friend!
Cut card! Love the burst of colors