This project was my idea and not my kiddos. I didn’t show it to him yet because I didn’t want him to use up all my little post-it note pads before we traveled. If you create one with your sweets, I’d love to see it so I can show him. 🙂
So Flip books… Do you remember these? There are times when we are waiting in line, making those pesky doc appts during summer to get them out of the way, or taking a travel trip.
A flip book is a great way fill some time. And requires minimal supplies and just a creative idea. And they can be quite addictive. This is on my list of put in the bag for a long airplane flight we have coming up.
Still don’t know what I am talking about? Here is a youtube video that might show you what I mean. They don’t have to be animated works of crazy art and they can be a cheap to do if you look at a few resources.
And things you could use for flip books….
I saw little post it note pads at the dollar store. 3 for $1.00. Remember little is better because you just need a pencil in your bag and a little post it note.
Or if you visit conventions, community events where they have those freebie pads of paper, post its, with their business name on it. great resource. also for a teeny tiny adventure on the flip note those little flag it post it notes work to. I like the post it notes because you can pull it apart and pull out the “bad flip” and stick it back together.
Plus I think that only about 2 brands of the “post it notes” only seem to work for me. The rest stick for two seconds fall off.
Or you could cut up that random funky green paper in your collection of scrap paper. The one with all the dust on it and you can’t seem to find the right project for it.
If you need better instructions.. I found this.. on PBS kids.
If you or your child create one or both. I’d love to see what you come up with. Please share with me here a link so I can see or tag me on pinterest. Something. 🙂
Enjoy your Summer!
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