I need a new stash of cards. Simple and quick to put together. I thought I would share them here with you.
This file is an SVG. The green is one piece (except the bird). and the brown curly tree has a frame it is attached to for easy layering.

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By Chris Durnan
I need a new stash of cards. Simple and quick to put together. I thought I would share them here with you.
This file is an SVG. The green is one piece (except the bird). and the brown curly tree has a frame it is attached to for easy layering.
Here is the link for you to download.
Thank you for helping me with the counts and to know what everyone likes.
Hi! A little about me could take a long time. I love the visual world and all it includes. I enjoy crafts, smiling faces, happy moments, marketing, media, and anything creative. I am happily married to a handsome cowboy and loved by a boy that inspires me every day. I endeavor in the world to be positive, compassionate and empowering to others. If you follow me, you know my common sign off is "Enjoy!" and "Love my Life" . I hope you do to!