We had a switcheroo this year for Scouts and moved to a new pack. My son really wanted to do more camping. And he is motivated by earning awards. And their program for Webelos is setup for him to earn as many as he’d like. My son has arrows and pins etc all over his uniform. I cringe at the thought of him needing a new uniform because I will be sewing again. But also pleased with all his accomplishments. He also was oohing and ahhing over all the earnings the new den’s kids have all over their uniforms. One of his most pivotal questions to his leader was…. “how do I earn that one?” She looked at me and smiled and then looked at my hubby and said well you get with your Dad and build a serious derby car. Apparently the new pack doesnt do trophies for winners but derby fancy winning pins on the uniform. And they were fancy. D wanted to know if we could somehow get one for his 3rd place in Tigers. He is analyzing. D is super motivated with all the activity around him. He pulled out his scout book after homework yesterday and said…. “what do we need to do?” His uniform craze makes me smile. (Please do not point out to him. We are short a silver arrow on his uniform and also 2 year pin and some other random awards. I hear the reminder every time he puts the uniform on. Woops)
We miss our friends from the previous pack, but really look forward to adventures in the new one.
Scouts is such a great activity for him because it focuses him after school. We have a “no screen” time policy until 6 pm and homework and chores are done. This means he has time to work through his Webelos book. And rarely have to ask him to do any of it. Which makes me happy.
As of the first Camp this year, he has already earned 5 of the Webelos activity badges out of the 20. He is loving it. More “grown up” stuff this time around I was told.
Well a scout ramble…. and that leads up to…. do you wanna buy some popcorn? Haha
Love my Life.
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