Archives for April 17, 2007
Namebook Challenge is coming!
Okay so I am working out the kinks, but there will be a Namebook Challenge held on the Paperthreads forum with either of my Namebook files and they must be 5 letters or longer. Pretty much the only basics will be they have to be a book from my files used for the base, but you can use any other designers or my own files to embellish it. So if you have downloaded them and started to play! Now is the time. I will announce it here and at the Paperthreads forum when it goes live. So for now. Here is a fantasticccccc Namebook creations sent to me by Joni Damico…
She writes ……
I attached the pics. You can post them if you like them. It spells Sharon 🙂 Also I noticed on the some of the pics she cut off the side of the letters. They aren’t like that, they cut very nice. This was the first project that I have done with the Wishblade! It was so easy with the awesome files that you made.
I also didn’t cut out 2 of each letter, I just used double sided paper instead. Hope you enjoy.
Way to go Joni, It is beautiful!!