It is almost the weekend wooohoooo!!!
So do you know tomorrow is National Scrapbooking Day? Seems like my emailbox is full of sales and coupons regarding it. So tomorrow is also Cinco De Mayo which is a big thing down here where I live. And it is even bigger because it actually falls on the weekend. There will be lots of Margaritas toasted. Makes me kinda wonder, so seriously, who decided to put a hobby where you use scissors and cutters with a holiday that you serve tequila laden drinks. wewwweeee. Could be an interesting combination. If you decide to celebrate both be careful! But have lots of fun.
Today’s files is “Aprils Showers Bring May Flowers”. Here in the desert we have to create our own showers at times, hence the watering can added to this file. So there is a 4 piece flower, The words connected so they cut as one and a mat. Also included some “raindrops” and a watering can. This download is no longer available for free download, but is for sale on Paperthreads HERE. (woops I missed this… password is may)
Usually I miss the weekends, but I am pretty sure looking at my day I will have a post tomorrow morning. So don’t forget to check it out.
Have a great weekend and Enjoy!