Today’s Download. This is a file with a few pieces for the trip to the zoo or any layout project. When working on drawing the lions face, all I could think about was a friend of mine had a chow that when she woke up the disgruntled face was much like this one. I was trying to think of a list of ways this file could be used to post at the Paperthreads forum. Other then the usual going to the zoo. So here are some of my ideas. and If you have some ideas to, please post them to the comments so I can add to the list… I started out with….
1) Chow Dog layout with the lion and his great mane
2)My Sons first halloween costume as a lion (Super Cute)
3) Put together a mini zoo scrapbook for when I take my nieces
4) Animal learning book
5) Use them to do an alphabet book with the Name/Word Book letters
6) Elephant Ride Scrap Page from the Fair
7) Monkeyin Around Page with the Monkey
8) Use Giraffe on edge of invite for Kids Bday Party
9) Use Giraffe to notate trip to certain Toy Store. (Yes I took my camera the last time, My Son was like in awe.. look Mom.. look.. how could I ever capture that bewildered the world is awesome look any other way. Well there are lots of other ways cause he is a giggly happy and silly kid. we love it)
Great Inspiration ideas to use from our downloaders!!!!
Thank you Thank you for everyone’s comments. Keep ’em coming. I’ll try not to miss any.
10) -Lions and elephants at the circus-
11)Using the lion to play around with lying around or telling lies-
12)Layouts for the safari ride at Disney
13) Wizard of Oz layouts for the Monkey and Lion
14)Scrappin an Animal Kingdom trip
15) Scrappin the day at the zoo
16) Scrappin your favorite animal book or Library reading time
17) School project about Animals or Africa
18) Wild life ? Nature? Pics
19) Elephant for Election Times
20) School Mascots
21) Baby Pages if cut in appropriate colors although I’m not sure
about grumpy for this idea…. ;^)
22) Giraffe “Reaching High”
23) just monkeying around
24) lion for the astrological sign for Leos
25) It’s a Jungle out there (school, daycare, work)
26) Don’t feed the animals (luncheon, lunchroom, party)
27) Elephant – never forget, don’t forget
28) Giraffe – tall tales
29) Safari Birthday Party
30) Adult African Safari Trip
31) Lion King Movie or broadway Show
And a super fantabu comment!
these are fantastic…no lion!!
You add yours to my comments and I will keep adding it to this list.
Your creativity helps me be creative and inspires me. So if you come up with something let me know.
Okay so I am nervous cause there havent been any other posts to my challenge. I hope some out there are going to enter. However, I am sure Joni is ecstatic about not seeing any other entries. She could have a clean sweep win.
Great comments lately. As always. I have such greatttt downloaders.
-Thank you to Trish for the great comment. Glad I can make someone smile in the middle of the day!
-And Shae I would love to see the background image you made from the Giraffe Patterns. I was trying to come up with a pattern that you could double layer for the spots on a giraffe and make a unique paper for the background of a page. I would love to look at it. to help me visualize.
So on to life in general. What a great day! I am in the office. My truck is in the shop getting a lookilu cause the Air isn’t working. This is not functional when you live in Arizona. Supposed to be 92 tomorrow. by the time it hits 84 I have pink cheeks every time I step out the door. My son is the same way. So hopefully the cost won’t kill me, but it will either be the heat or the repair bill that does me in. I found a great place I take my truck. They are easy going old school mechanics. I love it! Last time I was there they hauled the part out and put it on the counter. That’s from your truck. I was like COOL. Glad to know you actually replaced it and didnt jip me like the last place. But that is another story for another day….
Okay so here is the link for the download. No longer available for download, but available for Purchase HERE. Please remember these are for personal use! I have a terms of use. If you need to see it and read it in it’s entirety to understand that. Please click on the link on the right and check it out. Password is still may.
Otherwise! Have a fantastic day!
and of course