My Nan came through surgery and looks liek the cancer has not spread. Thank you to everyone for those positive words & prayers. Forward on we March through radiation.
Today is my day off. Woohoo! At home. I have a few feels I want to clean up before I offer you. I gotta say my downloads are going quick quick. So if you notice they are on tighter time constraints that is why.
I have a few more safari/zoo animal titles to get out there. And then I am on to a new topic. I have a few in mind and thank you to everyone as always for their wonderful suggestions. I keep them in a log and keep working through them all. When giving me ideas, if you can give me some titles or “bumper sticker” sayings then it helps me to direct what I am working on. But if you just have an idea then that is fine to.
Well it is almost the weekend! Woohoo!
PS Spent 10 minutes in front of the freezer with the door open last night with my son. He was coughing so hard. It totally helped. Thank you mucho for that great tip.