My apologies, I had this file ready yesterday. uploaded it and got ready to type in a quick note and a lightening storm hit and down went the internet/dsl. So here it is, a day late, but I hope you will like it.
I Ski, Therefore I am. OKAYYYY time for some summer files. I am trying to work on some summer vacation files that include the lake and the beach. If you have some great input or thoughts for these types of files, please post a comment here on my blog so I can read through them and see which way I am going. I have a jet ski and a boat and a few other pieces, but I just can’t seem to think of titles to go with them. And even tho’ you can use just the image to cut. I like to have titles. That way the file can be used in multiple ways. Any help, is always appreciated. This file is for personal use only! Please do not share or alter and claim as your own. The password is may. This file is No longer available for free download, but can be purchased HERE. This file has three pieces. one small wave for at the bottom, a skier, and a large wave with the words stenciled so it cuts in one piece. Enjoy!
So it is summer and scrapbooking sales are supposed to slump and go down and not be very good. All I know is my download numbers are going up and up and up. So I am hoping that will continue on to good sale numbers as well. My fingers are crossed. I wanted to thank everyone who also buys my files and downloads.
Thanks as always for great comments and great ideas! Keep ’em coming.
PS I am slowly working on lots of the requests. For those looking for theirs, just takes me a bit to get them together some.