Okay soooooo. Tomorrow is the party! I have so much to do. Including going to get a few more squirtguns especially for those who show up mistakenly without their own. So I have a file if I get time to cut it that will be up later today, but in case not I wanted to share a wonderful wonderful Father’s Day Book from my Father’s Day Mini Album. Available Here at Paperthreads for those who missed it.
This one is created by Mary in HK! Thanks Mary for letting me post a picture. How super cute is this. There is another from Rosalie, but I am waiting for her Okay to post the picture then I will add it to this post. Same file, but an entirely different concept when put together. Thank you ladies!
Check the bottom of this post later to see if I got the download up. I will put it at the bottom if I get a chance. Don’t miss it!
Okay this is Rosalie’s picture.
Okay so I got another sample of the Father’s Day card from Angie and thought I would add it.
I like it! I love that each file is totally different from eachother.
And in case you could possibly forget tomorrow is my birthday sale! So if you missed any file you want. Tomorrow is the day! And here is a link to my section of the store at Paperthreads.
And a quick thank you to all the Happy Birthday Emails and Cards. I would list everyone, but holy smokes I would forget someone’s name and feeeeeel soooo baddd!!
More later… Enjoy!
Would you download without knowing what it is? I will post the picture in a bit. PW is wisconsin. Yes, I was born in Tucson, but grew up in Wisconsin and moved back here. I spent my last vacation in Wisconsin enjoying the green and the beauty! My Dad is there. Love to go back and see him every year.
This file is no longer available, but can be purchased at Paperthreads.
This is the download file for today. It is another frame. I grouped two of them together in the store. 46 people downloaded gsds without even knowing what the file was. WOW! that is some serious faith in my files.
Okay so I was asked what is on my birthday wish list……. A KNK 15″ of course. hahah. Actually I am pretty happy and life is good. So I couldnt really pindown what I wanted. However, My husband jsut called and said I get to have my bday gift tonight because it fills his entire backseat. hmmmm… I have no idea what it is. No idea what so ever. We shall see and I will let you know tomorrow. I am off to mop the floors. and Beg my son to take a nap.
5:15 pm – Okay I think this is the last update for the day… I got my bday gift. 2 adirondack chairs for the front porch one red and one aqua. They will look soooo nice. Now I gotta get them together. Woohooo. Love my husband. Something I would have wanted, but probably not have purchased right away and they will look so nice for the party tomorrow. Well I am back to it! Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget the sale tomorrow!
Hugs to all!!