Well I think I have run out of time during the day to get a freebie out. My apologies! I have some files that I have been working on, but thought I would get the chance to cut and haven’t made it to the craft room yet. Sunday I will have some time to get things organized and get back on track. Thanks for hanging in there with me. So for now I am going to Say… HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND!! and of course…Enjoy! Chris
For those looking.. I am trying to get a freebie out later today! but for now.. here are my ramblings…
So I was flipping through some pictures on the camera getting ready to upload some to the Ceiva at my Dad’s house in Wisconsin. Love that thing! Keeps us feeling a little closer when we can add pictures to it right away. My Dad is not a computer user. Has one sitting at his house. But not in use at all. So we got him a Ceiva picture frame last year for christmas. Me and my siblings and we split the costs and we each have our own set number of images we can trade out and keep up on it. I use it probably once a week if not more. Then my Dad calls and talks to my son about what is happening in the pictures. It is wonderful!
Okay so while looking through pics I pulled these off the camera. I took them other night when we were rushing to get the waterers full because the well was working for a short amount of time. These are our horses. Hope you like.
The first one is our youngest two and the troublemakers of the bunch. The one on the left is licking her lips. The water was coming from the buttom of the pump so these two were getting cold water. So they were sinking there noses in the water and swishing it around and then pulling there heads out and blowing water out their noses. I couldn’t get them in action, but I did get the Bay sticking her tongue out. Little trivia tip. Did you know that horses can’t breathe out of their mouths like we would if our noses were plugged. The paint horse on the right got bit by a rattlesnake right in the middle of the nose a few summers ago and we had to cram cut up garden hose up his nose so he could breathe ’til the vet got here and could reduce some of the swelling. Vet said we were quick to act or he wouldn’t have made it because his whole head swelled. Pretty stressful situation, but after many shots he made it. And is definitely our biggest troublemaker.
The second picture is our resident ex-race horse. Zapatro. I affectionately call Zip. My son loves to hang out with the horses and Zip loves to be rubbed on the face. He has a stifle problem so he was pulled off the track and converted to a riding horse. He is our friends horse, but while they live here they are part of our family and our son tells everyone that he is his. This is a long way down for this horse to reach for a pet. he is tall. I can’t see over his back without getting up on my toes.
I’ll share some more later. My son is ready to take on the day this morning so I better get to it. Friends of ours stopped by last night and I opened my mouth and invited everyone over for a poker game. This would be great lots of fun. Except I am the only one who doesn’t know how to play poker. And I told them we weren’t playing for money just M&Ms. So we’ll see how many I lose or eat whatever the moment may call for. So now I have to think .. what makes good poker food? Just quick munchies not dinner style. Anyone have any input let me know. I have to run to the store later today to get something.
PS in working with the new knk software I have talked to quite a few people. I think there needs to be an excel file of words and what they mean in all the functioning programs. I am wondering if I can work on it through my blog. Through out a word a day in one program and see what we can come up with as the same word in other programs.. For instance… Pounce in KNK is a dashed line in Illustrator is a “kiss cut”(I think) in wpc and I can’t remember off the top of my head what it is in Craft Robo and have no idea what it is in the C&C software or inkscape. this being the case I am thinking about accumulating these words and offering an excel file to anyone who wants it for help in traipsing back and forth between programs. These are just thoughts…