So here is the picture that inspired this File. This is one of my Uncles in Wisconsin on our last visit. Bubbles just bring out the kids in all of us. Hope as adults life isn’t so fast and so stuffy that you don’t have time to blow bubbles.. even if it’s just in your soda!
This file is for personal use only! Please do not share or alter and claim as your own.
(I will upload the links in the morning. I had a chance so I thought I would post and then tomorrow add the links when I have a few more minutes. As for now I am feeling very sleepy.) (It is morning now and I got the links up!! WOohooo!!) This file is no longer available for free download, but may be purchased at Papertreads.. HERE.
To request a file you can post in the comments section of any of my blog. I moderate the posts so they hit my personal email box and then I can read them and add them to the list and add them to the blog. So if your comment doesn’t post right away.. it’s coming I just get to read it first.
These file numbers
CD00034, CD00035