PLEASE BE AWARE IT IS 4 pm in TUCSON and I have just uploaded a new front for the .wpc version of the file. The original one wasn’t working right. There is a number2 at the end of the new version. My apologies for the file screw up.
So this is what I came up with for an easier book to cut then your typical word book. And I have quite a few more that I have created. I am working on lots of my own holiday gifts and will share them here in case anyone else can use them and this is one of them.
So this is the word Mexico in a rectangular book. The word Mexico cuts on all the first page and I included a blank page for the rest of the box. you can cut as many or as few extra pages as you’d like. Also, their is a journaling block included on the bottom for adding your own personal note. I will take comments for any other places you would like me to make. Preferrably one word and not to many letters and I will try to get them done and posted for those who would like to create them for the holidays gift season. This style of book is a little easier to do and I notice has alot more room for pictures and journaling on them. I hope everyone likes them. This file is for your own individual personal use! Please do not gift it to anyone, save it for anyone or claim it as your own. This download is no longer available, but is available at Paperthreads here. This download is set up a little differently. It will open to a folder and you can download the files you need. There are two for each set. One has the front page of the book and the other has the blank page, Jalapeno and the journaling square. Make sure you get them both.
This layout was sent to me by Karen. A quick turnaround of one of my download files. I love it!! Thank you for sharing Karen. Seeing my files cut and in layout form just really adds to my day!
Create N Cut… So I have been sent a few emails about offering FS files for the Create N Cut Software. I currently do not own it. If I get to the point where I can purchase it and start offering those files also. I will do so. But for now. This is what I have to offer. But I have been reading into it lots lately and trying to figure if I should set up my Mac Station for Create N Cut