A requested Mini album. Front comes in a couple layers. For those not interested in the Mini Albums I am working on some other files as well. just trying to make it through the requests for Mini Albums. This is a terms restricted file. If you download the file you agree to my terms that it is for your own personal use. This file is no longer available for download, but will be available at Paperthreads soon!
Feeling somewhat better, have to head to the office again today and cover for our mahvelous receptionist. Also, have to go do some Baby Shower shopping. Wew. My son is only three and I have never heard of some of the things on this list, but hey it works! Whatever works. Dinner last night was wonderful. Nothing like time spent with good friends and chatting and my son being wonderful all at the same time. Well we are almost to the weekend and a very busy one at that. I hope everyone has a wonderful one and lots of great plans. The horses are banging so I better be off to feed them.
pw newday