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Okay on to Friday. wooohoo. It is Friday and tonight we are headed out. Which means I need to look through my clothes to find something to wear. I have a few western “bling bling” belts that I just love, but have to decide what I want to wear. My hubby took his clothes with him so I can just pick him up after work and he can be ready to go. It has been a while we have been out together on our own. Soo soo excited. Should be lotsa fun. My son will have fun at his aunt’s and I get to kick up my boots. What a win win situation! Can you tell I am excited.
So the last few nights with my son have been crazy. My son has been so wired it is insane. He spent twenty minutes last night running circles in the living room. Part of the problem is he can’t go outside by himself or with the dogs right now. There is a mountain lion in the neighborhood. So he usually goes outside and plays in the sand box and our dogs hang out with him while he is outside. They are cute they just follow him around everywhere. But our friends large dog was killed, another neighbors horse was attacked and my friend was driving down the road and saw it. She said it is huge. She sounded a little suprised it was so large. The reports are the mountain lion has cubs in the area and that is why she hasn’t left the area. So that means my little boy doesnt get to go out without me. Hence the pent up energy. This little character Diego on tv is one hyperspastic kid and runs everywhere. Therefore my son wants to run everywhere! Wew!
Well I better run. Gotta feed the horses. Have a wonderful weekend!