Well I thought about all the things I need to catch up on the next few days and my conclusion is I need a few days off. So you can visit the blog, but I don’t want you to be disappointed because I havent posted a file. I will probably post some pictures here and there, but last weekend was a long weekend so now I have to catch up. I haven’t had a chance to test cut a bunch of files. I have quite a few lined up to cut, but until I do, I don’t want to post them here. So I will get back on track next week.
Lots of things happening in the family and one of the happy things is… I am an Aunt again! My brother’s wife had a baby. Now my sister and sister-in-law are still pregnant. One is due in a few weeks and the other in November. It will be a baby filled holidays this year. My father who is not a proponent of cell phones, computers etc. Actually went and bought a prepaid phone so he can be called in the middle of the woods in Wisconsin when the first baby is born.
The best thing we got for my Dad for Christmas last year is a Ceiva picture frame. He can have pictures the next morning of things we have done. Since it plugs in and he doesnt have to touch it, he loves it. It has definitely brought the distance a little closer because he can talk to my son about what he is doing by looking at the pictures. I am sure there will be lots of baby pictures on their soon.
If I can get everything caught up today, I am going to go to the tack auction. Because I am not sure we need another bridle or halter, but as an owner of horses you must have a tack room stuffed with possible items you may need. that means 10 cotton lead ropes when you only have 6 horses here. I love the comraderie of horse people. So I am looking for to going.
Well that is it for now. Enjoy!
Update… Okay so just got a call from my brother and he and his wife are at the hospital and should be having their baby tooo… woohooo.. So who knows when you will see me again. Now I need to book flights for my Dad to come down and make plans to drive to Phx and see my new nephew.