Here is the Poinsettia file link. This is a Terms Restricted File. Which means these files are for your own personal use and not to be shared or altered and claim as your own. This file has hit its download number and is no longer available. The password is available through my group.
On to life… Well I made it to the gym and peddled my heart out for a half an hour and did some other exercise things. I have come to the conclusion that they pump sweat into the air at the gym. I never sweat anywhere as much as the gym. I walk in the door and I am sweating. Poof, I am soaked. Luckily the bikes are sitting up top so you can watch all the goings on in the gym or watch the news. I caught up on the news. There weren’t to many interesting Muscle Buffs hitting the weights. So I watched the verbage on the news.. I forgot my walkman to pick up the radio frequencies. The guy next to me brought in his dvd player and was watching a movie while he peddled. WOW! It was Star Wars Movie. Having seen it so many times with the guys in my life. I could pretty much recite the verbage for every part aloud. Luckily I did that only in my head and not aloud as I am sure the people at the gym would have escorted me to the loony section.
My son had a great time playing with the kids and was just a babbling about it afterwards. The nice thing about going in the mornings is the kids area isn’t packed. This is important to me because I can’t workout if I am not comfortable with where he is. One time I was sitting up top and watching the world come in the front door and boom out of the corner of my eye I see my son running like a lightning streak out into the gym area out of the kids area. I stood up. The lady caught him and took him back in. Wew! The only time he has ever dont that and he was much younger. The lady said he was upset that everyone kept leaving and decided he was going with the last kid. Made for a stressful couple of visits to the gym after that. But I think we worked it out.
So coming to the store in the next week or so will be the Super Halloween Value Pack.
I will upload one more of these files to the blog here for download. There are 4 files in this Value Pack that haven’t been posted here, but I am getting emails from people saying they are over the Halloween theme. So post a comment here as to which one you would like that I havent offered yet and I will post one more and then we will move on.
The ones I haven’t offered here are
Halloween Word Jumble,
Pumpkin Patch,
No Tricks Just Treats, or
Happy Halloween.
So one of those 4. Let me know by commenting here.
Thank you to all my downloaders and group members for helping me to keep this blog alive and an enjoyable place for me to post.
PS Jill M. I updated the Post for the Halloween left side words. I couldn’t find your email to email you directly.