So here I am today with a very sore arm. I went to the docs yesterday a.m. to get the a-ok on life and she offered up a flu shot. Wow. I have never had one and got one because my kiddo is in pre-school. My arm is so sore I have alot of cutting of test files and uploading to the store to do. So I am going to work on that today and hang out with the kiddo.
Our burgers were yum last night. I finely diced some red onion, added egg whites, mushed it together and then added Chicago Steak seasoning to the outside. My son helped me crack the eggs. This little boy lovesss to crack eggs and was perplexed when we weren’t going to use them to make scrambled eggs. He was going to pull apart the burger and look for the scrambled eggs. Super cute! Then after Hubby grilled the burgers I pulled out the sun dried tomato paste we had and put a little dab on the plates. My hubby liked that to. And I noticed as I sat there and ate. No buns all the way around. I am definitely rubbing off on those in my family! haha. Of course if there had been some french roll fancy bun it would have been eaten, but plain old bread is not worth the calories.
I also bought the Dancing with the Stars Cardio workout yesterday after the docs. I need to find 20 minutes a day to exercise. I love to dance so I thought I will try this one. I was really looking for a country line dance video. I have never line danced and don’t even know where to begin accept with the song Boot Scoot Boogie. I thought this might be a good thing to figure out so I can do it in the evenings when the hubby hasn’t made it home yet. Otherwise I will ask him to twirl me around the room instead. 🙂
What are ya reading??? I have a few books here, but am looking for a new light hearted quick read. I am afraid to start a book and have it be heavy and people upset in it. I am just not over that bridge of emotion yet. I love Janet Evanovich books. That Stephanie Plum character has me giggling so much I have to stop reading to breathe. Any recommendations?
One of the blessings sent to me… Thank you to the sender for sharing it with me. What a wonderful reflection on children..
When my first son was born (he’s now 4), I looked right at him and knew, he is my heart. When I was pregnant with my second son (now 22 months), I could I love another child like I do my first? He is my heart. Then my youngest was born, and I looked at him and knew he was my soul. My boys, my blessings, are my heart and soul. And that’s what I’m sharing with you. Heart and Soul.
Well I should get dressed, feed horses, start laundry, play games with my punkin, do some laundry and work on files. So I better get off an running.
Have a wonderful day!
Oh yes the Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas has been added to the Quarterly membership and all the files will be up for it today! Hope you like. … to get to the QMC click here.