It’s Friday… So it is late in the afternoon and I am uploading files to the QMC, to the store and creating like mad. I have a burst of creativity right now and want to ride it. Woohoo!!
Okay so took my son to see his new cousin today. He was finally healthy enough to go visit her. He smiled and giggled and grinned. He decided he should tickle her toes. And every time he did she just smiled in her sleep and would open one eye and look his way. Soooo Cute. So then he started giggling. We went to leave and he was pretty upset. He really thought he would get to stay at his Aunties. She usually watches him when the hubby and I get to go dancing. We had a long conversation on the way home about why the new baby gets to stay with Aunty and he doesn’t. He sure loves my sister and her husband which is pretty cool. Family can be a fantastic thing.
So the newsletter at Paperthreads is coming out next week. Now is the time to sign up. There will be freebies and tutorials and articles galore. My first blinkie will be there. Took me a bit to figure them out, but now I think I have it down. So to sign up Click Here. You won’t want to miss out. Freebies Freebies!! woohoo love those.
So if all goes welll this weekend should be full, but time spent also just hanging out. I think a weekend has to have all elements. Something to do and sometime to do nothing. Of course during this nothing time we watch NASCAR or Football. Go Packers. I have to say that here as much as I can because my hubby gets kinda temperamental when the Vikings are not doing so well. So I try to be kind to his sensitivities and not Do the Happy Cheesehead Green Dance. haha. So this weeked… I am going to get my hair done after years and years of just trimming the back (one time 6 inches) I am going in to get a “Body Wave” and add some kinda movement to this stick straight mop. I am soooo excited. We shall see how it goes. Other then that we gotta get hay for the horses, wood for the fort, visit my Nan, go to church and do work on some of the Honey Dos for the house. So not to bad. Looks like sometime to hang out together and just be. Athough my little one does not like to hang out. He likes to get moving, build stuff, go places or play play play. Always fun. You know why he likes to Play Play Play because as I type this I have realized he decided to crash and take a nap on the couch! The secret energy boosts… Maybe we’ll have a fire tonight and roast marshmallows. that sounds like fun.
Okay a quick note because I am getting this question alot about the QMC. Yes I can get caught on a topic with files and create create create in that same topic. I will be trying to limit a few to a topic and move on to the next topic. I will throw the extras up in the store. I hope to cover as many peoples needs in a quarter as posible. I will try very hard to vary the files. There is a running list of files on the left of my blog as to what has been added to the QMC. This is a long membership period. So the files may seem slow, but they are coming and since I am already close to ten there should be more then 20 files in this membership quarter. If you are interested in details there are also links for details on the left hand side of my blog. Hope this helps answer some questions.
So off I go. Going to ride the wave of creativity and get back to it.
Thank you to everyone for the book ideas and the recipes for burgers.
Have a wonderful weekend and if you email I will be a bit slow to reply cause it is family time.