Good Morning to everyone! I am trying to fit a post in right now early this morning in case today ends up like yesterday. My bambino has an ear infection in his other ear now. So my hubby mentioned tubes because there was a lot of that in his youth. It is probably jumping the gun since he has only ever had two ear infections and only one in each year. The doc I am sure was oh so thrilled to see us and my little boy loves to tell the doc what ails him. I think he had to look at every possible scrape or boo boo my little one put a bandaid on this week. But when asked what was wrong he said… My ear it hurts and it goes POP POP POP.. like rice krispies. He had this rendition down because he told the nurse it earlier and she asked him to tell two other nurses cause he thought he was cute. I noticed on the corner of the page of my sons chart it says… “animated child” hahaha. I am not sure if this is good or bad, but ya know we will go with it. So today he hangs out with me because of the medicine he has to have. Want to make sure he doesnt come down with hives or a reaction because it isn’t penicillin but similar to I have been told. So today will be a trip to the office and my son taking over office computer while I chat with the accountant. woohooo… I would rather play on the pc. 🙂 Our accountant is awesome, but ugh. I am not the numbers type person….
Speaking of numbers… So they are coming… The dirt cheap presale codes… I got the Fall Huge Bundle into the uploads for the store and it will be one of the presales for next week.
Also, if you got the newsletter you know that ALLLL my files will be on sale over Thanksgiving Weekend. And for those who got the Paperthreads newsletter.. What did you think about my article on metal and the KNK? I will repost it here in a few days for those who haven’t read it, but if you missed it make sure to sign up for that newsletter. I am head of organization for it. So you may hear me mention it here and there.
And for the question… are your files only in the QMC now?? Nope. They are also at the store. So you can buy them indivdually as well. For those in QMC all the versions to silent night and downhill sledding were uploaded last night.
This was sent to me by Karen using a piece from the Thanksgiving Traditions. Beautiful layout. I love the Gold Paper. Thank you Karen for Sharing It. I so wish my hair was that long.
My hair adventure started Saturday a.m. I just don’t think I explain things to hair stylists right. I just wanted some curl along the back. loose even some might call it a body wave. Well I have curl. I have curl all over in a lions mane of twist and tumbles. But hey it’s hair it will grow out and when I see family they will either smile, cringe or go what’s different about you in clear observation, but trying to ignore. My hubby thinks it is cute and is glad I didn’t cut any off. So I am going with it. I almost feel like I could party with this hair it is kinda fun and not so serious and boring as my very straight here of 13 years. (since my last perm) So I was ready for a change and to try it.
Well I gotta run and feed the horses and get moving! Have a wonderful wonderful day!!
Thanks for stopping by and of course…
PS Congrats to Margaret for winning Shirley’s blog contest over what is Chris’s quote… One word… and I post it all the time…. “Enjoy!” This made me giggle! Thank you Shirley for the nod!
PSS So if you saw the newsletter that was my first Blinkie and I did Lori’s too. They came out all right, but I need to do some work on them. Lori has a bunch of files hitting the store. I can’t wait to see them!!!