Howdy Everyone!
This week is rodeo week. The K-8 grades have off school for Rodeo. So what am I doing right now?? washing my sons clothes for the second time this week because he wore all his “Cowboy” i.e. Wrangler shirts this weekend and NEEDS them for tomorrow ( So I have been told) . So I am washing away so my little one will have the right attire. To help support Rodeo week, we took a saddle to school, straw bale for it to sit on, and a horse blanket. We, also, took All About Cowboys video for kids. The teacher was thrilled. She said my son decided to do a 15 minute dissertation to the class on a saddle and what it is. How you sit in it etc. Apparently, he also decided to pretend hold the lead rope for the imaginary horse so the kids could get on. This is what his Dad does when cousins come to visit and ride the horses. So he is excited every day to go to school. He takes his black hat and has to put it in the cubby until he is told he can wear it, but he is pleased as punch. Friday we will be picking it up and bringing it all home, but for now he is enjoying himself.
He, also, must be going through growth spurt. It’s like I can’t keep him fed. My husband was shocked when he spent an afternoon with him and my son ate every hour. Granted it was small things like a teeny box of raisins, a slice of cheese, a tomato (yeah grabbed that one whole from the fridge and munched it) and so on. But he is a muchin munchin away.
This weekend is soccer game and then rodeo and then bday party for a close friends daughter. Then Sunday… Me, Myself and I. wooohooo are headed to the rubber stamping expo to check it out. Love my hubby. He offered to go if I absolutely did not want to go by myself, but also suggested he would be willing to stay home with the Bambino. So off I will go on Sunday for a bit to wonder through the convention center and see what is out there. I don’t understand the whole rubber stamping thing. Heather has been trying to help me (She probably cringes when she sees an email from me) and inspires me with the cards she sends me. But I honestly just don’t know where to begin. I’d like to do just a little, but no idea where to begin. So we shall see if I am inspired more when I go to the convention.
Well I rambled enough. so I better run. Tomorrow and the rest of the week I am covering the office so I have given up on trying to get any spectacular files done this week. Instead I have some spectacular images from my Creative Team to share. So you will see those tomorrow.
Also, did you know Lori has an announcement on Friday. So if you get a chance don’t miss that. Funnn stuff all around. I know what it is. But I am sworn to secrecy. And so that means I have a few days to think about if I can join in. hmmm…
And I hope to upload some playin in the snow pictures from last weekend. It was fun. Only now my son thinks we can drive to the mountain and see snow at any given time. Not gonna happen when it is 110 degrees here. 🙂