Okay I am backkkkkk… I was flippin through pictures and these I thought I’d share. This is from last weekend. After a canceled soccer game we drove to the mountain south of us and had a little snowball fight and a little snowman building.
The second snowman .. this one was a bit better size than the first one.
Woooohooo Dad got a hold of the camera so Mom was in one of these pictures.
A snow angel….. one of the first things he did. It was cute and he kept doing it ’til he realized his pants were soaked.
The one where my little one is giggling and running… He is running away from Greg because he is getting ready to throw another snowball at him or it coulda been the time he was crashing Dad’s snowman. I like that they are both in motion in the picture.
First Post from today is below…
Here I am at the office. I need to call about ten people about billing. One of our office employees is out and I am trying to cover. This is where I have been this week. Being the best employee I can be. Answering the phones the best I can and not driving the other employees nutz with my. COuld you do this one more extra teeny tiny thingamabob? hahaha.
So I thought real quick I would post. It is Friday!! I am positive my friends Lori’s blog will so much better reading then mine today.
I got an email with this today. It was fun. My sons name doesn’t even come up. And there is only one person with my full name! woohoo. Tis kinda cool. How about you?
I better run back to it. Don’t forget that this weekend is the dirt cheap sale for the Sea Adventures Bundle. And the code and details for it are HERE.
Phones ringing… I gotta run..