It’s a coming… I am workin’ hard on the details for the Challenge. I plan to offer a file to those who would like to participate. In it will be a random group of files and you can use them however you’d like or can for the Challenge. The posts will be in the forum by May 3rd and May 4th. Then May 5th and 6th voting will be had in the forum. I am trying to get this group of files together and those who are interested in participating can email me and I will send them the file. I will preview the file here in the next few days and set it up to email to those interested. I hope this is a fun challenge and enjoyable! I am off to get some sleep before a busy day tomorrow. Check back in the next few days for final details and preview of the file. Nothing to buy. Just lots to create in honor of National Scrapbooking Day!