And this is without our beautiful mountain views as the smoke obscures it. Closest currently burning fire is 50 miles away. We pray for those families being relocated and getting to visit their homes with an escort only to survey the damage. Is it day 69 or 70? Of no rain? The record is 100 days I hope we don't beat the record this year. I pray for rain and the safety of all those around us. -Chris
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Archives for June 21, 2011
Without smoke
So some folks are asking about the fires in Arizona. I promised to post a pic or two and just ran out of time so here is picture number one without smoke of the mountains we see from our house. All of Arizona seems to be a blaze and it is pretty stressful. Tenatively we are thinking about pland and what we would do to haul out. And then we also are thinking about holiday weekend plans for the fourth and with everything as it is. We'll just stay home and enjoy eachothers company. So in this picture there is approximately 1 mile of homes scattered between us and the mountains. After that one mile it is brush, dry grass and open range all the way to the base of the mountains. In my next post I will post the with smoke picture from yesterday night when we got home. – Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry