So is it canning or is it the jars? I saw a post recently about a Mason Jar Lunch. It inspired me. I tried to find the original and it was just over and over and over repeats of the same thing. So whoever originally posted it. Can I say thank you! I love Jars they make me hum a happy tune. I love to can and I get the urge to can. I love to read canning books. I know what I am eating and what’s in it. But…. A new twist for me..
Here is my Jar lunch today. We had a little bit of grilled chicken left and some of the fixings from a salad. So I through them in a jar for lunch today and put it in the fridge. The unexpected treat was to eat it out of a cold glass jar instead of plastic. Yum so yum. I did this a few weeks ago. We went to the auction and it was warm and hot and they were serving hot burgers. Probably not a gluten free establishment. And sometimes I hazard a try and have one of those burgers. This time I brought a jar and a side of dressing to go with. After being in the heat all day, grabbing that jar out of the cooler that was cold and my veggies were all crisp and cold. Yum. I was totally fulfilled and it was yummy! Perfect. I had two ladies ask me where I got it. I said from the cooler. They smiled and looked a little not so thrilled as they chose between a hot burger or a hot hot dog.
I suggest you pack heavy on the bottom and lighter on the top. I eat salads without lettuce. I find the lettuce gets stuck in my throat. Yeah I am weird, but hey really lettuce is just a holder for all the yummy veggies. I plan to make more of these mason jar lunches in our travels. And will probably sideline to some fresh fruit as well. I wonder how whip cream in the bottom of a jar would hold up with strawberries on top. Oh yes yum. Okay I am hungry. Gotta run.
Have a wonderful day!