Just some random pics of the going on’s here. Weekends and evenings are play time with our animals. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Hubby is fine tuning my paint horse Fleet. I love this horse. He pushes my buttons sometimes, but mostly he is just a big kid hanging out with me. We have had him for years. Love to watch my hubby ride.
As many know we received some kittens to help us with our growing packrat/rabbit/mouse problem which leads to rattlesnakes. So we were given three kittens. all supposedly males. So before we left on our cruise I told the hubby when we get back we are going to have to take that one to the vet. the right side of him is weird and sticking out. Well when we got back we pulled up in the drive and I said. “Yeah. It appears our Male Cat is gonna have kittens.” :/ always interesting here.
So my son. In case you can’t tell. is uber happy about these kittens. He is reading the Warrior series and they just play right into his reading and drawing. I am happy because there are like 30 books in the series and so I will have a little time before we hunt for another one that is in his reading range.
The best part about having the cats running around outside. As they are not in our house and live in various places around our house. FLOWERS. I have FLOWERS again. This is Pennzoils favorite place to sleep and wait for a bird to come up to the flower pots. The birds have poked a hole in the edge of the screen porch at the bottom. So I left it there for the cat to come in and out under the rod iron. and now the little mice and things don’t come in either. yeah! Love flowers.
I hope you liked the pics.
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