My son and his Dad made this for me. Many Mom’s of a cub scout will know what this is. It is a brag ribbon for your scouts accomplishments and will go on my den leader shirt. When they make it through a level they get a badge and the Mom get’s a pin. Pretty darn cool. I had seen these before and sent my hubby the link and told him it would be the perfect handmade gift for me from our son. So I somehow put the supplies in a cup and left them on my craft table. They painted and worked on it and got it done in between my stints in the craft room. The rhinestones were sitting on the bench from another project I was working on so they got used to. pretty awesome. I love that my husband takes the time to create and help my son create. It definitely helps his imagination bloom and when they are “constructing” things like flying ace guns from the snoopy show it really helps to take parts you have like pvc pipe and sticks and see a bigger picture. And my son knows there isn’t much in my craft room that is off limits so he can create all he would like. It’s pretty fantastic . And I already put the Bobcat pin on it. When I wear my shirt I will have someone take a picture. Love my guys. Love my life.