We made these with our den at camp this year. I saw the idea in many places so wrapped them all up into a “did it” activity. Yeah. LOVE when I actually do these things I see.
Cone Delish Dessert
Basically we took some waffle cones. Filled them with marshmallows and mini candy bars we had leftovers of. Then wrapped them in tinfoil and sharpied the name on the side. Then we threw all 36 of them on the grill after we were done grilling lunch. We let them just heat through. My hubby said when they felt soft he pulled them off. And the kids ate them and enjoyed.
They were all oooey and gooey yum.
So you need: sugar waffle cones, tin foil, and your choice of sugary treats, marshmallows. etc.
Some tips were to make sure there were marshmallows on top to seal in the chocolate. Don’t leave them on to long because they will burn. Use the cones that are waffle sugar and not the light colored square ones.
Hope that makes some sense.
Also a parent put marshmallows, pineapple, cherry, and mounds candy bar in one. She said it was yummmm!
Have any other combination ideas?
What sweets do you grill?
My son and I worked on these Fun Summer Ideas together so we would love love to see what you put in your Cone Delish Dessert.
My son and I worked on these Fun Summer Ideas together so we would love love to see what you put in your Cone Delish Dessert.
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