My sister came up with an awesome idea. Let’s visit Ben’s Bells and volunteer some time. My friend Heidi came with us. She brought her kids too and it was an awesome day. 3 adults and 5 kids. Easy to manage. The Adults were well behaved this time around. haha.
Can I just say this organization just makes my heart sing. A simple message of “Be Kind” . Kindness. Plain and simple. I see the web/tv/schools lately as filled with so much cut downs, making fun of, blasting others for their thoughts etc etc. It just blows my mind. I wonder what our world will come to in the future where every movement, every thought, every differing opinion is persecuted and cast down. It only takes one person in a group of many to “be kind”. I’ve had those people in my life and they were the sun in a cloudy patch. I hope in the future I can continue to be someone’s sun. And hopefully one of our beads will end up being the sun for someone in of that life.
If you would like to know more about Ben’s Bells, here is the link to their site.
I hope you find someone in your day that you can be “be kind” to.
- Ben’s Bells
- The “beads” drying between coats
- Paint Palletes
- Serious concentration from K
- One of the gems found in the bead bucket to paint.
- Bead creation before it landed in our hands to paint.
- D and my nephew and niece. 🙂
- some more of our paints
- what they will end up as.
- The boys cleaning. I promised E I would take a picture so his Mom would see.
- D cleaning up. No complaints from either boy.
- The boys. Fun stuff.
- All of us. yes tilt your head. I’ll fix this later.
- Some fired beads after volunteers like us painted them.
- Love this kid!
Our experience. We came at about 10 and sat at a table that was out in a courtyard patio near our local University. There was paint in a crate and the table had brushes and water. Wear shirts and pants you are not worried about getting paint on. We sat in the beautiful sun and surrounded by tall trees and enjoyed the conversation and silliness of our children. Then after ate at the close Hot Dog Venue called Mutts. The food was quick, yum, and devoured by our group.
I highly recommend the entire experience and may also recommend it to those who may be visiting. It was only a few hours and yet. Perfect. There were lots of other options for food right in the near vicinity.
Ages. Our youngest was three and he petered out but sat in Mom’s lap. I could see this as being the youngest. Everyone else painted and did fine.
More then 4 people I would say call and let them know you are coming.